Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Redux: Dark Matters - DC. Update #11

A tantalising bit of news from the Kickstarter Redux update #11  about another Dreamcast game in development, fingers crossed it's another shmup:

"As mentioned in previous updates we still offer a "Kickstarter Discount Account" for as a cool bonus for our pledgers. If you're not bothering to purchase right now - it might be interesting for you in the future to get our new games.
And the best news is that we're actually working on a new game with another programming team for Sega Dreamcast while the other team is still  working on "Dark Planet" stage! Stay tuned.

Anyway, now head on over to and see what we've got for you! To get the 10% discount on ALL orders, FOREVER, simply follow these steps:

 1. Register at

 2. Send kickstarter account request to with kickstarter pledge proof. (Example: or send us the email you got from kickstarter as pledge proof.

 3. Wait for confirmation

 4. Go shopping and receive 10% discount on ALL orders. Ever.


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