Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Hello Everyone

Been away the last few weekends so not much YT action from me recently I'm going to try and film a few this week.

  1. 14 Shmups, 12 Months, £1200 #9 Twinkle Star Sprites

  2. April 360 Shmup Madness #3 - Ototmedius Excellent

  3. Another Stuff I've bought recently vid - A priority because I've got loads to show.

I Picked up an uncommon Saturn shooter this week called Wolf Fang, it's a fairly nice mech based shooter by Data East converted by Xing. The game is one of the sequels to vapor trail and and I've only seen the Saturn version a couple on times on eBay so I was really pleased to pick it up for £25! I've seen quite a few copies of the PS1 version but as always the Sat version is the one to have! Nearly picked up a copy of Planet Joker also - I know it's supposed to be one of the worst shmups of all time but it was really cheap.

Yet more new 360 shmups have kept me busy too namely Otomedius Excellent and Trouble Witches Neo:

Otomedius Excellent - Much the same as the previous game in the series but I think it's better. More characters, more level variation, unlockable weapons for the powerup system, and more interesting boss encounters. A special mention should be made about the soundtrack, it's pure Parodious you'd love picking out where some of those tunes came from!

Trouble Witches - I wasn't expecting much from the XBL download going by the reviews I've seen of it - boy I was wrong what a lovely little shooter for 800 points. Think Deathsmiles mixed with a large dollop of Cotton, it even feels a bit like the PS3/PC doujin release Gundemonium - but a lot nicer.



  1. Are you going to check out Yars' revenge as it's a Rail shooter from what i've seen? You heard much about it?

  2. @AmidstStorm I've heard good things about Yars Revenge but I'm going to buy it next month I think, Akai Katana LE is going to wipe me out this month!
