Friday, 27 May 2011

Thanks @Gunhead

Thanks to Gunhead aka Amidststorm for pointing me in the direction of this slightly obscure euro PAL release. This compilation disk containing 3 XBL games (and one DLC) as a physical release. For 360 shmup fans this game is of particular interest because it contains the tremendous Geometry Wars 2. I picked this up for the princely sum of £4 brand new from Ebay. Will post some nicer photos next week.


  1. Good to see you got it mate. I saw another compilation in a shop earlier.. but no shooters on it. Think it had Trials HD and Limbo.. can't remember the 3rd game. Perhaps they will release more. Here's hoping. Shame the packaging isn't a little more enticing/collectable

  2. @gunhead I know mate the cover is definitely functional!! Spied another compilation pack with the original Geometry Wars on it today, going to pick it up at some point. It's called XBOX Live Unplugged
